Practical Technique Series of TCM
来源: | 作者:上海新健康学院 | 发布时间: 2021-11-15 | 2174 次浏览 | 分享到:
Bilingual Teaching in Chinese and English!中英文双语教学! Every practical course emphasizes the practical application and operation of technology. 这个系列课程注重实用性和操作性,让您学了就能用,用了就见效!


Practical Technique Series Course of TCM


(Bilingual Teaching in Chinese and English) 


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical health system of preserving life, preventing and treating diseases, which has been gradually developed by the Chinese people through clinical practice for thousands of years. With the advantages of "extensive, profound, concise, fantastic, simple and effective", TCM protects the Chinese nation from generation to generation, prosperity, peace and security.


In the COVID-19 pandemic that is ravaging the world, TCM gives play to an irreplaceable role so that China, the original "severely afflicted area", was effectively controlled in a short period of time and that billions of Chinese people have been spared, creating a great miracle in human history. In addition, TCM has made outstanding contributions to health of people around the world.


Why is TCM so "magical"? The “Practical Technique Series Course of TCM” elaborately developed by Shanghai New Health College will uncover its “mysterious veil” to let TCM protect the health of you, your family, your relatives and friends!


Practical Technique Series Courses of TCM include nine courses: Philosophy of TCM, Adult Tuina Therapy, Infantile Tuina Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Guasha Therapy, Cupping Therapy, Acupressure Therapy, Dietotherapy, Special Diagnosis and Treatment.Created. The "1+8" teaching model, that is, 1 theoretical course plus eight practical courses. Every practical course emphasizes the practical application and operation of technology, and requires students to practice while learning, because practice makes perfect.


Each course is both interrelated and relatively independent. You may study one of these courses alone, or combine them, or in a comprehensive way. The practicability and operability of the courses are highlighted so that you can apply the knowledge and techniques in your daily life immediately! The courses will make you and your family healthier, brighter and happier!


1、总机 Free Line:400-6003-114 上海新健康进修学院 Shanghai New Health College

2、直线 Direct Line:18049906647 Susan YI

3、微信 Wechat:18049906647

4、课程详情 Course Introduction: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8KSJap3onjbdtJiM2F1vQg